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Welcome To Fluke Productions

Friendly and relaxed recording studio in East London

Dozens of bands, singer-songwriters, vocalist and rappers have already discovered our private studio and its state-of-the-art equipment. But that’s not the main reason they keep coming back.

Why choose Fluke Productions?

They give advice on arrangements and melodies, helping you get your material to its best and highest potential. Luke the producer – with his skills for engineering, programming drums, guitar and piano playing – is full of ideas, enthusiasm and support. He positively gives direction and encouragement every step of the way.”

Kareene – singer/songwriter

Looking for an affordable recording studio in East London

Our affordable location at Dalston Junction, easily reachable by tube, means we can keep costs competitive. Prices start at just £230 for a day in the studio with producer Luke – if there’s a better-value recording studio in East London, we haven’t heard of it. Come by to the studio before we go global…

Meet the producer

Our talented producer Luke Henderson – composer, musician and knowledgeable techie is an attentive, easy-going studio pro. With “tireless dedication” (M.Katsonga), Luke is able to help you “turn the sketchiest idea into a song with his multi-instrumental/programming talent” (W.Fitzgerald).

Whether you have a day or a week, a melody, a hook, or a full composition, Luke offers the advice and skills to help you develop your ideas and fine-tune your work.

About Fluke Productions

Want To Record In Our Studio?

Give us a call today and turn your passion in to something real with Fluke Productions.